Our Services

What We Do

our services

We come to your home, we inspect, we consult with the homeowner and make recommendations to solve your home’s issues. This process takes about 1 hour.

Clean, Seal, Reinforce

We only clean your gutters by hand. Once all the debris is removed, we use our patented 50 year Silicone to re-seal every end cap, every joint, and every downspout so they NEVER leak. Then we add our very own "heavy duty" hidden hangers to ensure your gutters stay put and never sag, twist, or come out of proper alignment. Then we take all the debris with us.


Only the highest quality materials and workmanship are used. There's a reason why we install more gutters than ANYONE. Get Great Gutters with The Gutter Guy.

Gutter Protection

The Leaf Filter system is manufactured using the highest quality materials available that will never warp or deteriorate. Plus, with a built-in pitch, your gutter protection is installed at the optimal angle to shed debris.
Leaf Filter Protection

Avoid Water Damage To Your Home

With no holes, gaps, or large openings, Gutter Guy keeps out all types of debris including pine needles, shingle grit, seed pods, and more! Gutter Guy installs directly on your existing gutters to bring you permanent peace of mind and help prevent damages related to clogged gutters. Nothing but water will enter your gutters – guaranteed!
How it works

How Does The SystemHandle Water?

The patented 3-piece micromesh system will effectively accept and manage water without collecting any debris thanks to:

Surface Tension

As water flows over our stainless micromesh, surface tension draws the liquid through the micromesh and into your gutter.

Built-in Pitch

Filter is designed with an angle that allows it to shed debris while accepting water.

Damage Control

Our system is completely sealed and durable, allowing it to keep debris out of your gutter and withstand the weight of sticks, twigs, and pests.

It's Guaranteed

Guaranteed Debris Protection

Gutter Guy’s award-winning and patented technology is scientifically designed to keep everything out of your gutters — except for water. The surgical grade stainless steel mesh is fine enough to keep out even the smallest of debris, including:
Trusted partners

Our Partners

Gutter Guy sells Leaf Filter Products. Their products are recognized industry wide as well designed, well engineered and superior in performance to all other commercially installed home protection.

3rd Largest Remodeler in the US

Preferred Partner Since 2014

75,000+ Reviews